Yazıcıoğlu was born 1954 in a small village named Elmali in Şarkışla of Sivas Province. He studied in Şarkışla from primary school to high school after that he was educated at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Ankara University. Yazıcıoglu joined the Young Grey Wolves in Şarkışla in 1968. After coming to Ankara for university education in 1972, he started to work at Grey Wolves Headquarters. He served as Vice President of Grey Wolves and President of Grey Wolves respectively. He became the founding chairman of the Idealist Youth Association (Ülkücü Gençlik Derneği), which started operating in 1978.
He was the leader of a suffering, oppressed and aggrieved group. There was a profound social turmoil and political uncertainty in Turkey. Laws could not be enforced. Terrorism and anarchy were falling on the country like a gradually increasing fog. The state’s existence had become controversial. When some people that trying to hide themselves between the shadows wanted to take Turkey into darkness, these young people were trying to prevent disaster.
They fell in love with Turkey and the Turkish nation. Their dream was to create a happy, prosperous, peaceful society. They did not care about the difficulty of the circumstances, the size of the threats and dangers they faced. They were generally the children of poor or middle class families with limited financial conditions. Everyday they were trying to continue their education without thinking about unclear bullets where they came from. Because they were being prevented from attending school, entering the test by armed tyrants.
Yazıcıoğlu served as advisor to the leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) until 1980. After the military coup of 12 September 1980, he was tried in the MHP and Idealistic Institutions Case. He was arrested on January 30, 1981 and put in Mamak Military Prison. Then he was tried and acquitted. He stayed in prison for a total of seven and a half years, with five years in the cell.
Yazicioglu was not caught in the first few weeks. His friends warned him. They showed ways and methods to go abroad. However, they encountered a meaningful answer that a faithful and courageous man, who was aware of his responsibility, could give. “If I go abroad as the young leader of the Grey Wolves, the morale of my friends in prison who are staying here will be disturbed. They can be destroyed. Let them catch me and put them between them. Let’s share the same fate together.”
The 7.5 years he spent in the dungeon was a period of reading, thinking and self-cultivation for him. Although his physical conditions were extremely unfavorable, he managed to make his cell an efficient space. And he wrote the famous “I am cold(Üşüyorum)” poem in this environment. This poem, which is extremely impressive and emotional, is a lyrical expression of Yazicioglu’s inner world, belief structure, aspirations and expectations. The traces of torture made to him in prison and his suffering are hidden in this poem.
After he was released from prison, his close friends wanted him to enter politics. He was already thinking of politics as the most effective field to realize his ideals. Therefore, without waiting too long, he started politics at the Nationalist Working Party(MÇP), of which Chieftain (Başbuğ) Türkeş is the chairman. He was also in the group, which was a deputy from the Welfare Party(Refah Partisi) list in the 1991 general elections. However, after a while, he realized that there were some differences of thought and method between them and the Türkeş. There were jealous people in the party who wanted to break them up. And with the efforts of these, his relationship with Türkeş got worse. As a result, Yazıcıoğlu decided to leave with deputy friends start a new political formation. They founded the Great Unity Party (BBP).
This team came back to the Parliament in 1995 with 7 deputies from the ANAP list. Yazıcıoğlu and his friends created a critical force in the Assembly that could affect the balances. However, they never thought of using this opportunity for political interest. Whereas, if they wanted, they could be in the government and become ministers, especially during the February 28 process. They took care to make politics within the framework of moral rules. They did their part so that our democracy was not injured and the constitutional order worked.
In the 2002 general elections, the character traits of Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu like friendship and loyalty, emerged once again in the election cooperation meetings with DYP. At the point of reaching a deal, Çiller asked her two friends not to be on the list. Instead of saying yes to being a deputy, he chose to stay out of parliament.
In his political works, he certainly did not compromise his idea and belief structure and basic principles. It had a decent style, rarely seen among party leaders in Turkish politics. He never ceased to express his views, thoughts, and to struggle. However, he has always been elite when doing this. No anti-political person was hurt or insulted by him. While the political party officials were discussing with each other and going to court, Yazıcıoğlu was always out of this environment. He took care not to break his interlocutors even during the most intense discussions.
He had a caring nature and a tremendous human love. These features gained a mystical wealth during the prison period. Therefore, many people who knew him closely saw him as a contemporary Alperen, Yesevizade.
The fact that most of his despaired friends gave up and left the party left him alone. But despite his loneliness, which increased day by day, he continued to work without losing hope. He was elected as a deputy independent of Sivas in the General Elections of 22 July 2007, re-entered the parliament and was re-elected as the BBP President he left before the elections.
Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu died on 25 March 2009 when the helicopter from Kahramanmaraş rally to Yozgat-Yerköy rally fell due to an unknown reason. After the helicopter crashed, İHA correspondent İsmail Güneş called 112 Emergency Service. In this speech, he said that his leg was broken and only Erhan Üstündağ was moaning from those on the helicopter. The sound of Murat Çetinkaya and pilot Kaya İstektepe was not heard. He also said that he could not see Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu. These speeches were the last speech of İsmail Güneş. Forty-eight hours after the accident, the wreck of helicopter and the dead bodies of six people, including Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu, were found on the Keş Mountain by the surrounding villagers.
The mystery of this accident, which is met with suspicion in public opinion, still has been protected itself even after many years. Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu’s helicopter is thought to have been dropped as a result of an assassination by FETÖ (Fetullah Terrorist Organization). In addition, the fact that Davut Uçum and Aydın Özsıcak, the soldiers who fled to Greece when the coup attempt was unsuccessful, took part in the team that removed parts from the helicopter, has strengthened this possibility.
Yazıcıoğlu had been in a traffic accident seventeen times before, but he had survived all of them with minor damage. Yazıcıoğlu’s funeral was removed from Ankara Kocatepe Mosque on March 31, 2009, six days after his death. About 700,000 people attended the funeral. In his will, he wanted to be buried in the Taceddin Dervish Convent(Dergahı). For this reason, he was buried in the garden of the lodge used as a Mehmet Akif Ersoy’s museum.
Yazıcıoğlu, whose life was through political struggles, was married and had two children.
Rest in peace Martyr President..