Kirkuk and Erbil the two twin Turkomen cities that hosted Turkmens for centuries. Thanks to the Turkmens, the cities became symbols of peace and fraternity with their wide culture. Unfortunately, Altunköprü, which is a bridge in the middle of these two beautiful Turkmen cities, witnessed a massacre 29 years ago. As it mentioned these cities were the symbols of peace and fraternity but, this was until Kurds and Arabs came. Since the foundation of Iraq, the Turkmen, the legacy of the Ottoman Empire, were subjected to political and social pressure and witnessed many massacres. Although Arabs and Kurds have lived peacefully for centuries under the rule of the Ottomans, their hatred towards Turkmens has increased steadily.


Iraq suffered severe economic damage after the Gulf War. Even basic needs could not be met. This situation leads to uprisings. The vast majority of these uprisings were by Kurds and Shia Arabs. Turkmens, who did not rebel against the state even in the midst of a major economic crisis, were even chosen as scapegoats by the regime. Republican Guards appointed by Saddam, who reached Tazehurmatu on March 25, 1991, executed unarmed civilian Turkmen youth here. Even the civilian people, who started to flee from Kirkuk to Altunköprü, were fired.


The soldiers followed Turkmens, who managed to escape to Altunköprü and took refuge in their relatives. Iraqi soldiers started to massacre with removing the innocent and unarmed Turkmen men from the house. More than 100 Turkmen youth were shot and killed by Republican Guards. It was very cruel to hold this event in Ramadan, which is holy for Muslims. The Turkmens who were martyred were fasting. People mourned even during the Ramadan Feast which is held after Ramadan. We will never forget our martyrs and don’t let the world forget.

1-Ahmet Köprülü
2-Hazım Enver Abdullah
3-Atilla Ahmet Enver

4-Turan Ahmet Enver

5-Adnan Halit Menden
6-Mehmet Halit menden
7- Oğuz Semi Emin
8- Cenkiz Mazlum Nuri
9- Mensur Mazlum Nuri
10-Nuri Mazlum Nuri
11-Ahmet Enver Abdullah
12-Hani Mithat İzzet
13-İsem Mithat İzzet
14-Amir Mithat İzzet
15-Melik Faysal Süleyman
16- Şalen Faysal Süleyman
17-Abbas Salih Sait
18-Abdullah Kahya
19- Ali Abdullah Kahya
20- Abdusselam Reşit Hasan
21-Adil Bayız Hurşit
22- Ali Hüseyin Abbsa
23-Atilla Nesih Bezirgan
24-Ayat Kadir Rahman
25-Aziz Ali Sait
26-Aziz Tacıl
27- Cebbar Sıdık
28-Celil Fethi Mehmet
29-Cemal Ahmet Farac
30-Cemal Şükür Sait
31-Cevdet Haydar Behrem
32- Çetin Esat Behçet
33-Erdal İhsan Mahmut
34- İrşat Hurşit Reşit
35-Eyüp Salah Sait
36-Azil Cihat Fettah
37-Halil Fettah
38- Halil Fithi Mehemet
39-Hamit Garip
40-Haşim Haydar
41-Haşim Mehmet Tevik
42-Kasım Mehmet Tevik
43-Haydar Gaydan
44-Haşam İhsan Ali
45-Hüseyin Ali Ahmet
46-Hüseyin Ali Ekber
47-İhsan Ali Feyzulla
48-İhsan Mahmut Veli
49- Mehemet Reşit Veli
50- İmet Mehemet Reşit
51-İsam Osman Cemil
52-İsmail Şükür
53- Yıldırım Kerim Kerim
54-Mahmut Attar
55-Mehemet Selim
56-Mustafa Süleyman
57-İskender Ali
58-Necat Teki
59-Necip Sait Salih
60-Nevzat Kadır Rahman
61-Nihat Abdülkerim Ali
62-Nizam Ettin Sükür Hamdı
63-Nurettin Terzi
64-Orhan Hamit
65-Osman Cemil
66-Ömer Hurşit Salih
67-Amir Ömer Hurşit
68-Sabah Ahmet hamdı
69-Saddam reşit hasan
70-Saip Tatar Kadir
71-Salah Sait Salih
72-Seter Rahman Aziz
73-Suud Hattap Osman
74-Şahap Ahmet Farac
75-Şahin Nasih Bezirgan
76-Şükür Hamdı Mehmet
77-Tarik Bayız Hurşit
78-Adnan Bayız Hurşit
79-Yaşar Hamid Abdurrahmam
80-Zaim İsmail Hasan
81-Zeynelabidin fazıl
82-Zeynelabdin İbrahim
83-Hesip Müşir Rıza
84-Abdurrahman Müşir Riza
85-Selam Reşit
86-Nedam Reşit
87-Hişam İhsan Ali Riza
88-İhsan Ali Riza
89- Mehmet Reşit
90-Cünit Sait Behçet
91- Cemil Süleyman Abbas
92-Kemal Sabır Ahmet
93- Sezer Cuma Yasin
94-Saçıda Hisam Tufik

95-Şükriye Semin Hasan
96-Bedri Ya Halit
97-Şamil Abdulrahim
98-Kabil Abbas Burhan
99-Rüştü Halil
100-Mezar Mehdi
101-Er Cuman Gayyan Mehmet
102-Abdulmecid Abdülkerim


-Türkan Cihanoğlu


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